

# performed="2011/02/02 00:00:00"
# 履歴からゲストの平均回答率などを求める
select avg(qnum), avg(anum),avg(cnum)
from history
where cid='03' and performed > '2011/02/02'
and uid like 'G%';
# 履歴から演習回数を求める
select count(*) as cnt
from history
where cid='03' and performed > '2011/02/02'
and (uid like 'G%' or uid like 'B%');
# 履歴から年月日ごとの演習回数を求める
select substring(performed,1,10) as date, count(*) as cnt
from history
where cid='03' and performed > '2011/02/02'
and (uid like 'G%' or uid like 'B%')
group by substring(performed,1,10)
order by date;
# 履歴から時間帯ごとの演習回数を求める
select substring(performed,12,2) as hour, count(*) as cnt
from history
where cid='03' and performed > '2011/02/02'
and (uid like 'G%' or uid like 'B%')
group by substring(performed,12,2)
order by hour;

# メンバに出題された延べ設問数
select count(*) as issued
from score_item
where cid='03' and performed > '2011/02/02'
and uid like 'B%' and kind=0 and state > 0;
# メンバが誤答した延べ設問数
select count(*) as mistaken
from score_item
where cid='03' and performed > '2011/02/02'
and uid like 'B%' and kind=0 and state > 0
and times != corrects;
# メンバが誤答した設問のリスト
select lid, count(lid) as cnt, sum(times) as issued,
sum(times-corrects) as mistaken
from score_item
where cid='03' and performed > '2011/02/02'
and uid like 'B%' and kind=0 and state > 0
and times != corrects
group by lid
order by mistaken desc;
# メンバが誤答した設問のリスト(誤答率つき・誤答した人数ソート)
select lid, count(lid) as cnt, sum(times) as issued,
sum(times-corrects) as mistaken,
sum(times-corrects)/sum(times)*100.0 as percentage
from score_item
where cid='03' and performed > '2011/02/02'
and uid like 'B%' and kind=0 and state > 0
and times != corrects
group by lid
order by cnt desc;

# 難しすぎる設問のリスト (正答率70%以下)
select lid, count(lid) as cnt, sum(times) as issued,
sum(times-corrects) as mistaken,
sum(corrects)/sum(times)*100.0 as corrected
from score_item
where cid='03' and performed > '2011/02/02'
and uid like 'B%' and kind=0 and state > 0
and times > 0
group by lid having corrected <= 70.0
order by lid;
# 簡単すぎる設問のリスト (正答率90%以上)
select lid, count(lid) as cnt, sum(times) as issued,
sum(times-corrects) as mistaken,
sum(corrects)/sum(times)*100.0 as corrected
from score_item
where cid='03' and performed > '2011/02/02'
and uid like 'B%' and kind=0 and state > 0
and times > 0
group by lid having corrected >= 90.0
order by lid;