
先日2/15にIIBAがコンピテンシ・モデル(Competency Model V1.0)という40ページほどのドキュメントをリリースしたようだ。コンピテンシ・モデルと聞いても何のことだか分からず、少し調べてみた。

ドキュメントの冒頭で「コンピテンシ・モデルとは、仕事を成功させたり、仕事を効果的に遂行するために必要とされる個人の知識・スキル・能力・その他の個性である」とされていた。モデルは、遂行能力特性と評価指標の2つで定義されている。遂行能力(Performance Competencies)として53個が挙げられている。遂行能力には評価指標と観察可能なふるまい(Indicators/Observable Behaviors)が付与されている。


53個の遂行能力と評価指標の記述が中心となるべきだが、現段階のドキュメントでは簡潔な一覧として提示されているだけだ。以下に一覧しておく。それぞれ、遂行能力と評価指標の簡単な説明があるが、それは実際のドキュメントを参照のこと。前半には、BABOKの6個の知識領域に相当する部分から53個の遂行能力が抽出され取り上げられている。また後半には、BABOKのもう1つの知識領域である基礎能力(Underlying Competencies)がそのままの構成で取り上げられている。


 +-- 1.1 Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
 | +-- 1.1.1 Selects appropriate business analysis approach
 | +-- 1.1.2 Evaluates project complexity, assumptions,
 | | constraints, and dependencies
 | +-- 1.1.3 Identifies all stakeholders
 | +-- 1.1.4 Determines stakeholder influence and relationship needs
 | +-- 1.1.5 Builds and manages stakeholder relationships
 | +-- 1.1.6 Develops a business analysis work-plan to manage own and
 | | teams activities, tasks, deliverables, and schedule
 | +-- 1.1.7 Develops effective communication plan to meet project
 | | and stakeholder needs
 | +-- 1.1.8 Manages Requirements Approval and Change
 | +-- 1.1.9 Identifies and communicates risks and issues that may
 | | require changes to plans or scope
 | +-- 1.1.10 Measures and tracks quality of business analysis work
 | +-- 1.1.11 Reports on business analysis measurements
 | +-- 1.1.12 Improves Business Analysis performance by taking
 | | preventative and corrective action
 | +-- 1.1.13 Complies with and upholds organizational standards
 | +-- 1.1.14 Responds to changing organizational priorities
 +-- 1.2 Elicitation
 | +-- 1.2.1 Ensures appropriate stakeholders are involved
 | | in elicitation activities
 | +-- 1.2.2 Obtains needed information from stakeholders
 | | to form requirements
 | +-- 1.2.3 Captures information provided in elicitation sessions
 | +-- 1.2.4 Validates requirements with stakeholder
 +-- 1.3 Requirements Management and Communication
 | +-- 1.3.1 Obtains the needed approvals on solution requirements
 | +-- 1.3.2 Manages changes to requirements
 | +-- 1.3.3 Manages conflicts and issues to resolution
 | +-- 1.3.4 Traces requirements from business case to
 | | implemented solution
 | +-- 1.3.5 Leverages the uses of traceability
 | +-- 1.3.6 Identifies and maintains requirements for reuse
 | +-- 1.3.7 Prepares Requirements Documentation
 | +-- 1.3.8 Presents requirements in understandable format
 | +-- 1.3.9 Confirms that stakeholders have a shared
 | | understanding of requirements
 | +-- 1.3.10 Uses appropriate communication method based on stakeholder
 | +-- 1.3.11 Assesses impacts of changes to requirements
 +-- 1.4 Enterprise Analysis
 | +-- 1.4.1 Identifies and defines business needs
 | +-- 1.4.2 Identifies opportunities for improvement
 | +-- 1.4.3 Understands overall business structure, strategy
 | | and impact on work efforts
 | +-- 1.4.4 Understands organizational culture, structure,
 | | and impact on work efforts
 | +-- 1.4.5 Understands business architecture and can
 | | assess capability gaps
 | +-- 1.4.6 Identifies and proposes possible solution approach
 | +-- 1.4.7 Describes and selects a solution approach from
 | | a number of different options
 | +-- 1.4.8 Defines the new capabilities that the project,
 | | iteration, or work effort will deliver
 | +-- 1.4.9 Determines justification of investment for proposed solution
 | +-- 1.4.10 Prepares a decision package
 +-- 1.5 Requirements Analysis
 | +-- 1.5.1 Prioritizes requirements effectively based on factors
 | | including business value, cost to deliver, time constraints
 | +-- 1.5.2 Organizes and synthesizes large amounts of
 | | information provided by stakeholders
 | +-- 1.5.3 Understands appropriate use of various analysis techniques
 | +-- 1.5.4 Develops abstract models that describe a business domain
 | +-- 1.5.5 Identifies and communicates factors other than
 | | requirements that affect which solutions are viable
 | +-- 1.5.6 Ensures that requirements and models meet the needed
 | | quality to effectively guide further work
 | +-- 1.5.7 Ensures that all requirements support the delivery of
 | business value, fulfills goals and objectives,
 | and meets a stakeholder need
 +-- 1.6 Solution Assessment and Validation
  +-- 1.6.1 Assesses solution proposals and demonstrate
  | which proposal will be most effective
  +-- 1.6.2 Allocates stakeholder and solution requirements among
  | solution components to maximize business value
  +-- 1.6.3 Assesses the organizational readiness for the new solution
  +-- 1.6.4 Defines capabilities and requirements to support
  | transition to new solutions
  +-- 1.6.5 Validates that the solution meets the business need
  +-- 1.6.6 Determines the most appropriate response
  | to identified defects
  +-- 1.6.7 Measures and evaluates solutions for value and opportunities


 +-- 2.1 Analytical Thinking and Problem Solving
 | +-- 2.1.1 Creative Thinking
 | +-- 2.1.2 Decision Making
 | +-- 2.1.3 Learning
 | +-- 2.1.4 Problem Solving
 | +-- 2.1.5 Systems Thinking
 +-- 2.2 Behavioural Characteristics
 | +-- 2.2.1 Ethics
 | +-- 2.2.2 Personal Organization
 | +-- 2.2.3 Trustworthiness
 +-- 2.3 Business Knowledge
 | +-- 2.3.1 Business Principles and Practices
 | +-- 2.3.2 Industry Knowledge
 | +-- 2.3.3 Organization Knowledge
 | +-- 2.3.4 Solution Knowledge
 +-- 2.4 Communication Skills
 | +-- 2.4.1 Oral Communication
 | +-- 2.4.2 Teaching
 | +-- 2.4.3 Written Communications
 +-- 2.5 Interaction Skills
 | +-- 2.5.1 Facilitation and Negotiation
 | +-- 2.5.2 Leadership and Influencing
 | +-- 2.5.3 Teamwork
 +-- 2.6 Software Applications
  +-- 2.6.1 General Purpose Applications
  +-- 2.6.2 Specialized Applications